LuxTag Further Expands Its Operations Abroad

by | Apr 30, 2019 | All Articles, Education, Startup

LuxTag Further Expands Its Operations Abroad

by | Apr 30, 2019 | All Articles, Education, Startup

Over the past few months, LuxTag® team has been working hard to widen the company’s horizons and extend its operations abroad. Since its creation, LuxTag has been mainly operating from Cyberjaya, Malaysia – where its HQ office is based – while having two representatives abroad: Pablo Guerra in Europe and Paul Willerton in the USA.

As time progressed, the company sought opportunities beyond Malaysian borders. Up to this date, LuxTag has representatives based in South Korea, Russia, Indonesia and more recently Thailand. Indeed, we are pleased to announce that we are partnering with Edupride, the leading education advisor in Malaysia.

Luxtag partners with Edupride

Edupride is a Thai company providing education and counseling services to Thai students who want to study in Malaysia and Singapore. The company is a family-run institution led by Mr. Abdallah El Rifai & Yasmin Wiyasilpa El Rifai. Last year, the couple was awarded at the AEC TOP- CEO Awards 2018 and was the cover of Family Life, a reputable Thai magazine.

LuxTag partners with EduPride

Mr. Abdallah El Rifai initially operated his company at Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (aka MaGIC) where he met LuxTag’s CEO Rene Bernard and the two CEOs have been friends since then. When Rene Bernard introduced e-Scroll to Abdallah El Rifai, they saw an opportunity to collaborate and contribute to fighting the grey market of educational certificates.

LuxTag partners with EduPride

‘Value is only created when business solutions meet business opportunities. Our cooperation with Edupride connects these two. Our Thai friends are well connected in the educational sector and LuxTag provides suitable and ready-to-deploy solutions.’ – Rene Bernard, CEO of LuxTag

Edupride will be LuxTag’s sales representation in Thailand and will contribute to spread the use of e-Scroll overseas. Welcome to the LuxTag family, Edupride!

®“LuxTag”, Trademark registered.

™ “e-Scroll”, Trademark of LuxTag.

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